Sunday, December 5, 2010

Last day in Italia for me, Bridget!

Oggi I went for a long run up and down three big colline.  It was freddo (cold) out, and there was a lot of neve (snow) at the tops of the colline.  Then, we went out to pranzo at a ristorante in the neve.  Annie Cate wanted to show me the bathroom, so here is some of it:

And here is the vista out the bathroom finestra:

They gave us this zucca/formaggio/tartufo thing because they like us:

Polenta con funghi porcini (polenta with porcini mushrooms)

More cibi (foods):

Vitello con funghi porcini e polenta (veal with porcini mushrooms and polenta)

Crema Catalana

Later, Obi ate some tacchino leftovers from Thanksgiving. 

Then he found a cozy place in the garage:

Tara and I went to the centro commerciale (mall) to get some stuff done.  We were "terrorized" by these cani (dogs) in the parcheggio (parking lot):

At the centro commerciale, we saw many things that filled us with wonder and awe.  Here are some products catering to the Italian obsession with presepi (nativities):

We also saw lots of giocattoli:

We poked through the aisles full of things that are bad for you:

Here is some panettone, the Italian Christmas torta (cake):

More Italian cibi:

"Acciughe" are anchovies.

"Strozzapreti" are "priest stranglers".

"Rigate" means "striped".

After the centro commerciale, we stopped in Costozza.  First, we admired the giant presepe:

Then, we visited the tiny Christmas craft market nearby:

And here is a lovely foto of Zoe the Christmas Cat for your entertainment:

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