Thursday, September 30, 2010

Patsy and Bob are here, the party can begin!

Today I ran and ran and ran up una grande collina (hill).  I didn't bring my camera, so non ho foto.  Oh well.  My shoes got covered in mud, but Gene hosed them down before I thought to take a picture. 

I saved this praying mantis from this gatto:

Later I moved all my stuff to Conor's camera.  Here are my new digs:

Perché did I move rooms, you ask?  Because my nonni (grandparents) Patsy and Bob sono arrivati from Boston.  Gene picked them up at the aeroporto a little while ago.

Here's Patsy:

Here's Bob:

Here's Obi:

They are all sleeping now. 

Here is a video of my sister Katie's cat Casey fetching:

Sorry, it won't work right now.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Obi's Big Adventure!

Last notte Annie Cate and I played Go Fish and stuff.  Here are some princesses, Pez dispensers, Hello Kitties, and Doras with colorful daggers:

Today Gene and I sorted through the Oriental Trading Post to find goodies for Annie Cate's class.  Glow-in-the-dark fangs>Red wax lips and Glow-in-the-dark spider rings>Jewel spider rings.

Today Gene and I took Obi on an avventura.  Obi had un appuntamento with a professional groomer a Vicenza!  He didn't know about it though.  We ambushed him at 9:30 AM.  He was sorpreso.

Gene put him in the cage.  Obi was scared!  Poverino!

We went for a ride in the macchina.  Then we parked and brought him to his appuntamento:

We saw these little squishy-faced kittens.  Awww!

This doggy was having a great time drying off:

Obi was not very felice about his situazione:

They got a ton of pelliccia off him:

Obi was kind of mad at us:

But he lightened up.

We took him on an errand to get stuff for Patsy and Bob, my grandparents who are arriving tomorrow.  Lamponi (raspberries) cost 26.90/kg!

Obi was shocked!

Here is Obi's "before" picture:

Here is Obi's "after" picture:

Now Mr. Clean is taking a little nappy-poo.  Here is a video from his grooming:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"C" is for chocolate chip, white chocolate chip, and M&M cookies! And celery

Last notte I made cookies for Annie Cate's scuola.  They were supposed to be chocolate chip, but they ended up chocolate chip, white chocolate chip, and M&M.  Here is some burro, zucchero, e vaniglia (butter, sugar, and vanilla) in a bowl:

More foto dei cookies:

Sadly, Italians do not usually have the pleasure of eating latte (milk) and cookies.  They just don't do milk.  And their desserts usually aren't as dolci (sweet) as American desserts because sugar is heavily taxed. 

Gene made a yummy thing that he calls "low-country boil" for supper.  It involved my favorite vegetable, sedano (celery).  Isn't it bello?

Obi slept in the garage last notte.  We had made a little letto (bed) for him, but he found his own place per dormire (to sleep):

Gene and I went to Vicenza oggi (today).  We saw a doggy store.  It is the place to go if your dog needs a Burberry stroller:

We saw this cat store too:

We got pane here:

See the tiny tortellini al prosciutto:

Gene hates this building.  He says it looks fascist:

It was a market day.  Gene was looking for a man-scarf--no fringe, no crazy colors, substantial material, etc.  He didn't find anything like that.

This is a popular style of floor, called Veneziana (Venetian).  It is one solid chunk:

Here are some more foto di Vicenza.  A whole lot of these buildings were designed by Andrea Palladio:

I ran back from Vicenza.  It was about seidici (sixteen) chilometri.  Phantom eagerly awaited my return:

Here is another epic short film:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Le Facce d'Italia

Hi, it's me, Bridget!  Piove oggi (It's raining).  So today is a great day to show you some of le facce d'Italia (the faces of Italy).

Here is a mailbox.  See its shocked facciaNo pubblicita' is like saying "No junk mail".


Here is Gene and Tara's toaster.  It is watching me right now.

Here is a happy little pizza on a segno in Venice.  It says "PIZZA EGGS and BACON" underneath.

Here is a cute little tower in Marostica.  It seems apprehensive:

Here is a faccia that looks like a froggy.  His occhi (eyes) are for mail, and his bocca (mouth) is for bread:

Here is a tree stump with una grande bocca:

Here is an antipasto (appetizer) who does not want to be eaten:

Here is a very earnest and naive bureau:

And here is the English version of my most popular video, "Aah!  We're going into a face!"

I hope you enjoyed my presentazione on le facce d'Italia.  In other news, there was a double rainbow here ieri (yesterday).  Here is a picture of it:

P.S.  Happy birthday, Casey the cat!  U haz mush cuteness!