Thursday, September 16, 2010

I remembered my camera when I went to Vicenza today!

Gene made apple cake and pesto last notte.  Om nom nom.

Today after my run he took me to Vicenza.  Ho dimenticato my camera quando we were in Vicenza last Friday, but I remembered to bring it oggi.  Today is market day:

They have a bunch of artsy benches around the città. Here is a photogenic representative:

Here's where noi abbiamo mangiato on Friday.  It was cheap because you had to set the table yourself:

Here's an Apple resaler.  It's pronounced Ah-Bay-Chay-Poontoe-Eat:

Guarda these huge Lindt cioccolato things:

Here are some altre viste nella città:






 Finalmente, here is a video that required lots of hard work.  The translation is as follows:

C’è una faccia! = It’s a face!
Andiamo nella bocca! = We’re going into the mouth!
Ci mangierà! = It will eat us!
Ci mangia!  = It is eating us!



  1. hwy, Bridge, why are you making Gene do all the cooking? Are you making anything?

  2. Gene really likes to host and he especially likes to cook. He's a stay-at-home dad so he likes to take care of everything. When I went to Venice, he made sure I had a map, sunglasses, cell phone, hat, keys, etc. He just likes to get stuff done.

  3. Hi Bridgie,
    If you want to bring me home a giant Lindt ball, that would be okay. I will trade you a giant furball. . .:) Love your face!
