Friday, November 26, 2010

Hello snow! Oh no, toe woe!

Happy Black Friday tutti!  Today, Tara and Annie Cate and I were going to go to Bolzano (which is a charming town up north that is culturally Austrian but geographically Italian), faceva neve (it was snowing) so we didn’t.

Here is Tara’s hat after her run in the neve:

Here is the yard in the neve:

We all went shopping in Vicenza.  We parked next to this:

A lot of the time we were wishing that we hadn’t gone out at all, because the snow turned quickly to slushy rain, and the slush we walked through was like icy gazpacho for our feet.  Our toes were wet and icy.

Here are some foto di shopping:


See the bottom half of a fake tree:

Here is Conor, the boy with three hoods, posing with the mannequin with three shirts:

He and AC were kind of bored:


We ate at a little place beside the river.  Here is some pasta con salsiccia e radicchio (pasta with sausage and radicchio):

Conor and Tara traded shoes in the bathroom because Conor’s feet were cold and wet.  Here is Conor wearing Tara’s boots:

Later we watched “some” of those classic stop-motion Christmas movies.

Gene and Conor and I were going to go see the Harry Potter movie again tonight, but it was cancellato.  I will have to read the book instead.

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!


  1. Brrrr. Snow!!!!! Yikes! It looks so. . . what's the word? Ah, yes. Snowy!

  2. Springfield Woman gets a line of clothes, not Worcester Woman? What an insulte!

    Jim's winter sneaker/dress tip: a) first sock is polyester b) second layer wool or thick cotton (wool is better) c) plastic bag (the kind the Worcester Telegram comes in is perfect)
