Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Cani d'Italia

There are a lot of cani in Italia besides Phantom, although none of them have his great amount of photogenicism.  Here’s a cane from down the street:

Here’s another cane.  This one has glowing occhi (eyes) and barks at you as you walk by his yard:

This cane is too lazy to bark at you as you walk by his yard:

This is a yippy piccolo cane bianco (little white dog):

Here is a piccolo cane nero (little black dog) in Venezia:

Here’s a big Phantom-like cane.  Oh wait, he’s a donkey.

Here’s Phantom’s amico, Cooper:

Here’s a cane swimming.  Oh wait, it’s a duck.  Or something.

Here’s a big cane like Phantom.  Oh wait, it’s a fake camel in Barcelona.

Here are matching cani in Venice:

Here’s a cane asleep at a mercato in Vicenza:

Here is mia sorella (sister) Katie patting a cane outside a winery:

Here is a weenie little cane we saw in Vicenza:

And another:

Here are two Phantom-like cani in Austria.  Oh wait, they are cavalli.

Here is a Phantom-like cane in Austria.  Oh wait…

Anyhow, today I went for a run.  I saw a lovely peacock, a dead hedgehog, and a gattino who looked just like my little gatto Zackie when he was little.  Here is Zackie:

Here is a video of Annie Cate performing a poem about the letter E, which is pronounced "ay" in italianoLa vocale = the vowel.

Salve tutti from me, Bridget!


  1. what, no "hot dogs"? all of the dogs look very friendly. Is there a leash law in Italy as there is in the USA?

  2. There are muzzle laws in certain places, and usually in cities dogs are usually on leashes. Most people have fences, so dogs can run arond their yards, and sometimes you see dogs running around where they live without a fence or leash.
