Thursday, November 18, 2010

Conor's Day Off

Oggi Conor had the day off from scuola.  We were going to go hiking with him and the cani, but it was foggy and muddy so that didn't happen.  Instead, we went out to pranzo (lunch).  Here is Conor getting his shoes on:

We went to one of Gene's favorite ristoranti, which has a small but yummy menu and gets you in and out quickly (its main customers are road workers on their lunch breaks).

They also have this dead tartaruga (turtle/tortoise):

And these shells of dead tartarughe:

And this jukebox:

After that, we stopped by the cinema to find out about a film called Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte: Parte I, which we are planning on seeing domani, when it debuts.  Naturalmente we will also see it in English (called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I), but it doesn't debut here until il prossimo settimana (next week).  Here are some movie posters:

Here is a crazy bull in front of one of my sister's favorite places in Italy, Crazy Bull, which happens to be next door to the cinema:

Ciao tutti, and remember, "You can't give a dementor the old one-two!"



  2. I would just like to mention that Crazy Bull is not one of my favorite places...I've just been there a lot! I'm going to see Harry Potter this weekend, I'm excited!
