Monday, November 15, 2010

Obi the Jealous Cat and Cooper the Woggy Dog

Today I was fortunata enough to get to hang out with Obi il gatto!  I brought him some cibo (food) and he ate it happily.

I gave him some peanut butter and he thought that was pretty good too.

Obi likes having his foto taken.

I took this foto of a rosa:

Obi was offended that I was taking a foto of a fiore instead of one of him, so he stretched out his neck to get my attention:

It got my attention.

Cooper il cane is staying here for a little while.  He and Phantom like to be doggish together and eat each other's food.  Here is Cooper:

Obi found out I was taking foto of Cooper and sneaked into the garage and made me pat him.

Salve tutti from me, Bridget!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww. Cute photos Bridgie! Thanks for sharing!
    Love your face,
