Friday, November 12, 2010

Firenze: Not just the name of a centaur in Harry Potter

I went to Florence (which in italiano is Firenze) yesterday!  I hopped on an autobus on Post and it brought me there, with a stop at an American veterans' cimetero for a Veterans' Day ceremony.  The graves there were arranged in concave rows, which produced an interesting visual effect:

There was a partially-mosaic mappa showing where in Italy the soldiers in the cemetery died:

More cimetero foto:

After that we moved on to Florence.

Now, I've already been to the important musei (museums) in Florence, so I didn't visit any musei yesterday.  But I DID visit due mercati (two markets).  The thing to buy in Florence is cuoio/pelle (leather), although scarpe (scarves) and cravatte (ties) are big, too.  Here are some foto dei mercati:

I finally bought a portafoglio (wallet).  Here it is:

I crossed the Ponte Vecchio (that means "Old Bridge"), which traverses the fiume Arno and is covered in botteghe di gioielli (jewelry shops).  Some gioielli:

On the other side of the ponte I saw this fontana (fountain)...

...and this faccia:

Here is the vista from the Ponte Vecchio:

Here is a vista of the Ponte Vecchio from another ponte:

I took some foto of Palazzo Vecchio ("Old Palace") because I knew certain people in my audience appreciate that it was an architectural influence on City Hall in Worcester:

Right before I left, I visited the Duomo, or La Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, which is a massive cattedrale with an astonishingly huge dome (cupola) on it.  It is impossible to get it all in one foto, but here are some tiny models of it:

The Battistero di San Giovanni (St. John's Baptistery), which is famous for its fancy doors, is right next door:

And of course there is a giant campanile (bell tower) to go with the basilica:

More foto of the exterior of the Duomo:

Then I went in.  The inside is not nearly as ornate as you might expect from seeing the outside (the photos are dark because I didn't want to use my flash in there):

I paid otto (eight) Euro to go to the top.  To get there, I had to go up 413 (I think) increasingly narrow and increasingly steep stairs that were sometimes spiral and sometimes not.  Here are some of the stairs:

Halfway up I found these giant popes glaring at me:

There were some tiny finestre (windows).  Out of one them you could see this David (there are lots of them in Florence):

Eventually I popped out just below the ceiling of the cupola:

Then I had to climb stairs between the ceiling and outside of the dome.  The walls curved like so:

There was complicated brickwork:

This thing on top of the dome is called a lantern:

Here are some viste from the top.  See if you can find the cupola's massive shadow:

After that, I climbed down.  The way down popped out just below the dome before going to the floor.  Here is some of the crazy dome art:

See the weeny little people below:

Here are more foto di Firenze:


  1. Yet another sensory overload! Did you get to drive the autobus? Did you talk to paisons and ask them about their stories (their feelings)? j/k

    Weeny people?

    Very nice that went to the cemetery as it was Veterans Day. Plus it was educational to see where the men had fallen.

    Interesting buildings there. Did you actually count every stair?

  2. I got to ride in a cushy seat on the autobus and read Harry Potter and watch movies on the bus TV.

    The number of stairs was posted, and I think it said 413.

  3. Beautiful photos Bridgie! They bring back such great memories! At which market did you get your wallet?

  4. I got my new wallet at the same place I got my old wallet...the covered market with the pillars.

  5. Near the boar? The old barber's area?
