Friday, November 19, 2010

How cool was today? Several Fonzies.

Today Gene and Conor and I ran errands and stuff like that!  First, we went to a pasticceria and I got a warm latte (milk):

Conor read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:

He already knows the ending.

Poi, we went to the centro commerciale (mall), which was all ready for Natale:

Here are some DVDs in italiano:

Here are more foto del centro commerciale:

I found this wonderful thing, whatever it is (coincidentally, you will understand the title of this post if you visit this link):


Then, we went on Post to go to a thing called "Meet the Mayors".  It was an event (at the bowling alley) where you could meet representatives of the surrounding towns.  They also gave out food samples.  I tried some tartufo (truffle) like this, but sliced on bread:

Conor read his libro while I took foto:

At the end of the book, you find out that Dudley Dursley is the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, because he's posssessed by Neville, and the monster inside is a giant kitten who slays people with her cuteness (but if you see her through a ghost, or a camera, or in a reflection, you only get Petrified).  Just kidding!  (It was actually a puppy.)

More Meet the Mayors foto:

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!  In a few hours I will go see the new Harry Potter movie (in italiano) and the coolness of the day will increase by several fonzies!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy looking food! As always, great photos Bridgie!
    Love love love love love,
