Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh, deer!

Today I went for run and I saw a deer.  Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me.  But we all know what a deer looks like:

Later I made a pie with the leftover canned zucca and pecans.  It is a different taste sensation than the other pie, which is not to say that it is definitely worse.  It doesn’t LOOK any better

Conor stayed home from school today because he had a febbra (fever) and a cough.  I am pleased to report that I do NOT have a fever or cough, and neither do any of the other non-Conor beings in this household. 

Here is some graffiti I found in Venice a while back:

It says Ti sbatto fuori di casa (I’m kicking you out of the house). 

Sbatto = I kick
Ti = you (oggetto diretto/direct object)
Fuori = outside
Di = of
Casa = house/home

 And because YOU asked for it, here is a vending machine that dispenses pizza:

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!


  1. Let's pizza! Yes! Let's! Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all just took a moment to let's pizza????

    Oh! You know what would be even better? Let's Nutella!!!!! Yes!!! Can you get on that? Pronto?

    Thank you for the state-of-the-art deer photo. I had forgotten how closely Italian deer resemble big, honking German Shepherds.

    You are doing such a great job of educating me Bridgie.

    Love love love love love,

  2. always interesting, fascinating, insightful
