Monday, November 8, 2010

Smart cars and a happy cat!

One nice thing about Italia is that there are moltissimi happy people zipping around in weeny little macchine (cars).  Today we celebrate the most irrepressibly adorable of these macchinine, the Smart car (which is made in Germany).  You might recall this Wonka-esque Smart Car Dispenser from an earlier post:

Here are a few of the Smart cars that I have encountered in my travels:

Now, because YOU asked for it, here's a video of Obi il gatto enjoying his din-din:

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!


  1. Hmmmm. I don't remember asking for a video of Obi eating dinner, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I do not see any pink smart cars or pink smart trucks in your smart car photo collection. This saddens me. Sigh. I will have to find some way to go on. Something to keep me alive until you find a pink smart car and take a photo of it and send that photo my way. Dear me. How trying.
    Love your face kitten!

  2. The smart car got a low rating in consumer reports compared to "comparable" cars like the mini cooper and some toyotas, but I do agree that they are cute.

    Am currently in San Francisco where there are similiar green alternatives (i.e. electric and "GPS" controlled vehicles. I've been looking forward to seeing what they would have for alternative stuff on the West coast.

    I'm kinda smarting about anything designated "smart" though. Smart popcorn? Are they blowing smoke at me and trying to make me feel superior because I am buying their product? I mean, really.
