Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ikea is okay-a! Este is the beste!

Today Gene and Conor flew off to Napoli (Naples) for Conor's swim meet tomorrow.  Tara and Annie Cate and I went to Este (pronounced ESS-tay), which is a happy little town about eighteen miles away.  Naturalmente, there was a mercato (market).  Here are some foto:

We found two leaning towers:

We ate here:

We got tramezzini:

We also got cioccolato caldo con panna (hot chocolate with whipped cream):

This is Annie Cate's parrot, Parry:

We found a playground for Annie Cate:

We found this gatto to be very sociable:

This gatto is looking for a place to have gattini:

More foto d'Este:

After Este, we went to

in Padova.

Italian Ikea is just like American Ikea, but the prezzi (prices) are in Euro, and the name is pronounced ee-KAY-ah.  Ikea was getting ready for Natale (Christmas):

I found the pillow and blanket pattern I have on my letto (bed) at home:

Here's a thing with the same name as me (sort of):

AC took this foto of herself:

More foto d'Ikea:

We found another playground for AC at Ikea:

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridgie!

    So glad to see you had such a nice day! Love your face!
