Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gingerbread houses from Ikea! Lots of marshmallows!

Oggi it rained and rained.  I went for a run up a big collina and down another and then back.  Later, we all decorated gingerbread houses!

The case (houses) were from three Ikea kits.  Because of broken parts, we managed to assemble two complete case and one crèche-like part-casa.  Gene heated up some sugar and glued the case together with it:

Annie Cate and Conor each got a casa, and I got to do the crèche.  Here is Annie Cate’s casa:

Here is Conor’s casa.  He made several scenes from Harry Potter out of marshmallows and gum drops:

Here is the crèche.  Annie Cate made marshmallow people for it:

See the three kings:

More foto:

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!  And don’t forget, “Weasley is our king!”

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos and beautiful houses and beautiful marshmallow people! Remember when we used to make "gingerbread" houses out of graham crackers? Yum yum yum!

    Love ya Bridgie!!!
