Sunday, November 28, 2010

Italian Chinese food, plus more Harry Potter and a face in a toilet!

Ieri (yesterday) Cooper il cane left us because his people came back from their trip.  We will miss his fuzzy face.  Here he is:

Tara and Gene were in Venezia (Venice) for the night.  While they were there they found this charming faccia:

When they came home today Gene wanted to go see Harry Potter, which was showing on Post in inglese at three.  He and I went to see it.  We managed to get seats that weren’t terrible.  Here is the vista of the screen:

The movie was better this time because I was more used to the accents and I’d seen at already, so I knew what they were saying anyhow.  I’m not sick of the movie yet (this is la terza volta (the third time) I’ve seen it) and am open to seeing it again when I get home (which will be a week from tomorrow).

After the movie, we went to the Commissary to pick up a few essentials and some canned bread, because why not:

Then we picked up some cibi cinesi (Chinese food).  Chinese food in Italia is not so different from Chinese food in the states, but it is sadly lacking in little Chinese food boxes, and there is a prominent cappuccino maker.  As you might expect, an instrumental version of “My Heart Will Go On” was playing faintly in the background as I took the following foto of the ristorante:

Most of the Harry Potter characters left the house yesterday, which was lucky because everyone's least favorite journalist, and unregistered Animagus, Rita Skeeter, showed up today with her crocodile-skin handbag, her two inch long nails, and her quick-quote quill.  Since Harry wasn't there, she was reduced, once again, to asking Draco Malfoy prying questions about Harry.  I took this foto while they were chatting about how Harry is Dumbledore's favorite:

"Potter gets all the attention (not that I care because I hate Dumbledore) even though my family is pureblood and rich."

Salve tutti from me, Bridget!


  1. I am so loving that last picture. Thanks for the laughs Bridgie!
    Love your face!

  2. Tara looks really creepy as Draco! Darn of all the people I get to be I have to be a bad person, like Rita Skeeter. I'm glad you didn't make me Voldemort though...

  3. I made you super stylish!! And Tara looks creepy because I gave her the appropriate cold gray eyes.

  4. Katie I think you look adorable. But then again, I always think you look adorable!
