Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dispensers, belle viste, and corn-starching Mr. Fuzzypants

Today Gene and I went places and saw things.  We saw a lot of one particular thing...DISTRIBUTORI, i.e. DISPENSERS.  So today we Honor these Temples of Convenience.

Gene needed to buy vino, so we went to an enomas (winery).  Customers can buy massive amounts of vino very cheaply when they fill up from one of these:

Then we drove by this awesome SMART CAR DISPENSER full of cute little Smart cars:

Then we saw this "DVD and Gadgets" dispenser:

 We also found this cigarette dispenser today (cigarettes are bad for you, by the way):

Here is something a lot healthier, a distributori di latte (milk dispenser).  You can  buy a bottiglia here and fill it, or you can bring one from home:

And here is Annie Cate next to a toy dispenser (at the place where we almost ate lunch today).  The toys in Italian toy dispensers usually cost more money than what we are used to in the States--around one to three Euro ($1.31 to 3.94).

Here's the vista from the place where we actually ate pranzo.  It is very close to la faccia that featured so prominently in one of my short films recently.

Gene and I also went back up to Monte Berico.  The vista was better than it was the last time we were there:

We walked down and up the 182 stairs called Le Scalette:

At the bottom there was this arco by Andrea Palladio:

We saw this crazy building:

We also saw this grande insetto:

I have also been working on il mio progetto, Obi!  Here is little Mr. Fuzzypants:

I am smiling.

I combed him yesterday.  Here's how much pelo I combed off him yesterday:

Obi is very happy to be rid of it:

Today I rubbed corn starch into his fur to degrease it and then I tried to brush it out, but he politely refused.  He will be gray until bath day.

When will bath day be?  Tomorrow?  The day after?  Stay tuned to find out!


  1. Apparently my comment from yesterday didn't make get published.

    Temples of Convenience? :) ha, ha clever

    Why can't you just hold him down in soapy water?

  2. Hi Dad,
    I'm not editing comments, so please recomment if you want to. And it's important to build trust before you try submerging something that probably hates water, and has four sets of sharp claws, in water.

  3. I love your blog Bridgie! Especially the smiling cat!XXXXOOOO
