Friday, October 15, 2010

That's how I bowl!

Last notte some neighbors brought over some castagni (chestnuts) that had been roasted underground.  They tasted sort of like bacon and eggs to me (you take the skin stuff off them).:

Castagni come in spiky pods like this (if one sticks into your scarpa (shoe) while you're running, be careful taking it out, because it can hurt your dita (fingers)):

It is difficile to find castagni in the States because there was a ruggine (blight) di chestnut trees about cento (100) anni fa (ago).

Oggi (today) Patsy and Bob left so things are back to normale.  Phantom and I hung out.

I combed Obi.  He is a good little gatto.

Phantom wanted to hang out with Obi, but Obi non si era interessante (wasn't interested).

Later, we went bowling (it was americano, non italiano).  I came in a solid terza (third)...out of cinque (5).  The final score:

More foto di bowling:

Here is a video of Gene showing us how it's done:

Here is a video of Tara just bowling like una persona normale:


  1. Tell Tara she's a better bowler than I am! Glad to see the kitty cat is back on the blog again. He's so sweet!


  2. I loved the photo of all your fine bowling scarpes. Very stylish.

    Please pick up some good chestnut recipes while you are over there so you can teach me how you are supposed to make them (I remember the one time when Bus insisted that the proper way to cook them was to heat them in/near the fireplace and instead he created multiple, wicked hot projectiles (!) shooting all over the living room. What a disastro!

    Is that cat coming home with you? Does that mean I have to get him/her/it a Christmas present? And why do you insist that animals speak in, um, urban gitterish ( i.e. "Dis is wut...")? :)

  3. Not all animals talk like that, but you can't expect all animals to have mastered the English language (Phantom hasn't, at least).
    No chestnut ricette (recipes) so far. I will look.

  4. Obi can't come home with me because I have three cats. He lives in his parcheggio (parking lot)and sleeps in garages sometimes.
