Friday, September 24, 2010

Baby goats!

Oggi Gene and I went for a hike along un lungo sentiero (a long trail).  It took tre (3) ore.  Here are some belle viste:

A lot of the sentiero was poorly macchiato (marked), so we took some wrong turns.  We came across this fattoria delle capre (goat farm).  The baby goats bleated very shrilly.  They all wanted to get to know us. 

These piggies were next door:

We also saw this cavallo.  He was gentile.

Later I gave Obi il gatto some food, and he purred.  He does not want me to help him with the hunk of matted fur near his tail, but I tried to cut it anyway.  Poverino (Poor Obi)!

Here is a video of my cousin Annie Cate:


  1. Wheeee I'm a penguin?????? Very silly. As are the goats and pigs. Where is my favorite belle vista? The one with the just cut brown hair and jewel blue eyes?????

