Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"C" is for chocolate chip, white chocolate chip, and M&M cookies! And celery

Last notte I made cookies for Annie Cate's scuola.  They were supposed to be chocolate chip, but they ended up chocolate chip, white chocolate chip, and M&M.  Here is some burro, zucchero, e vaniglia (butter, sugar, and vanilla) in a bowl:

More foto dei cookies:

Sadly, Italians do not usually have the pleasure of eating latte (milk) and cookies.  They just don't do milk.  And their desserts usually aren't as dolci (sweet) as American desserts because sugar is heavily taxed. 

Gene made a yummy thing that he calls "low-country boil" for supper.  It involved my favorite vegetable, sedano (celery).  Isn't it bello?

Obi slept in the garage last notte.  We had made a little letto (bed) for him, but he found his own place per dormire (to sleep):

Gene and I went to Vicenza oggi (today).  We saw a doggy store.  It is the place to go if your dog needs a Burberry stroller:

We saw this cat store too:

We got pane here:

See the tiny tortellini al prosciutto:

Gene hates this building.  He says it looks fascist:

It was a market day.  Gene was looking for a man-scarf--no fringe, no crazy colors, substantial material, etc.  He didn't find anything like that.

This is a popular style of floor, called Veneziana (Venetian).  It is one solid chunk:

Here are some more foto di Vicenza.  A whole lot of these buildings were designed by Andrea Palladio:

I ran back from Vicenza.  It was about seidici (sixteen) chilometri.  Phantom eagerly awaited my return:

Here is another epic short film:


  1. Wow. What an interesting video. Have you posted it on you tube yet?

  2. And let me just add. . . poor Phantom!

  3. No, the video is not posted on Youtube...really I think there are better ones that I would prefer to post (like "We're going into a face") and I don't feel like it anyhow. And Phantom is a good doggy-woggy.
