Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Obi's Big Adventure!

Last notte Annie Cate and I played Go Fish and stuff.  Here are some princesses, Pez dispensers, Hello Kitties, and Doras with colorful daggers:

Today Gene and I sorted through the Oriental Trading Post to find goodies for Annie Cate's class.  Glow-in-the-dark fangs>Red wax lips and Glow-in-the-dark spider rings>Jewel spider rings.

Today Gene and I took Obi on an avventura.  Obi had un appuntamento with a professional groomer a Vicenza!  He didn't know about it though.  We ambushed him at 9:30 AM.  He was sorpreso.

Gene put him in the cage.  Obi was scared!  Poverino!

We went for a ride in the macchina.  Then we parked and brought him to his appuntamento:

We saw these little squishy-faced kittens.  Awww!

This doggy was having a great time drying off:

Obi was not very felice about his situazione:

They got a ton of pelliccia off him:

Obi was kind of mad at us:

But he lightened up.

We took him on an errand to get stuff for Patsy and Bob, my grandparents who are arriving tomorrow.  Lamponi (raspberries) cost 26.90/kg!

Obi was shocked!

Here is Obi's "before" picture:

Here is Obi's "after" picture:

Now Mr. Clean is taking a little nappy-poo.  Here is a video from his grooming:


  1. Fascinating story on cat grooming, but where are the pics from Oktoberfest?

  2. I posted them on Sunday. I was wondering why you hadn't commented:

  3. What a pretty kitty! Glad you did this Bridgie!
