Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I got lost today!

Today siamo andata down the street and bought latte for my Cheerios, om nom nom.

After Annie Cate had gone alla scuola Gene and Phantom took me on a hike.  It was more treacherous than yesterday, with molto thorns and mud and acqua.  The rocks in the area are sandstone and limestone, the mud is very muddy, and the thorn bushes are very thorny.  The trails are not well marked.  We had una carta, but noi siamo diventati persi anyway.  Here are some belle viste ed altre cose:

We picked AC up from scuola and then we went to get the most elusive of her school supplies, her scatola dei regoli.  That means "box of rulers" but really it is a box full of blocky things you can use to add and subtract.  They are also fun to play with:


  1. Could you post the English translation in parentheses so those of us who learned only Italian from watching American cartoons can broaden our learning?

  2. Sorry Dad, that's too much work. Usually context and stuff is enough. Like, una carta is a map (like cartography). "But noi siamo diventati persi anyway" is "But we became lost anyway." And see, I said I got lost in the title. Latte is milk and scuola is school. I'm told it's a lot like Spanish.
