Friday, September 17, 2010

Italian household stuff looks cool but it isn't that great

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide you and my other loyal fans with images or videos at this time. Mi dispiace. (I'm sorry.)

Today it was fresco and overcast around Vicenza, so Gene took me to Monte Berico. The church Monte Berico, a.k.a. La Basilica di Santa Maria di Monte Berico, usually has a vista fantastica della città, but because of the weather, it was like this:

The church was built to rid the city of plague. According to Wikipedia, the first religious service were held by the Order of Saint Brigid (after whom I am named)in 1429. Here is the church from the outside:

I didn't take pictures inside perché primo, it's a chiesa (church)and secondo, there was una messa going on. It wasn't as grande as you might think it would be from the outside, but it was pretty ornate. Some of the detailing involved trompe l'oeil, such as the archways which were painted to resemble, I think, alternating brick and marmo (marble). There were relics, but I'm not really a relic person. There was also a more modern chapel, and a room full of fossils (not sure why). And here's a little atrium we found:

Here's a sundial that shows where it's noon in different locations around the world:

After that, siamo andati into some stores and looked at appliances and cose. Italians are way into ironing boards. Gene says they iron everything:

They also like to have meat-slicing things in their cucine (kitchens):

In Italy, when you move, you take your whole kitchen (and bathroom) with you, including appliances and countertops and cabinets. It all looks cool, but it isn't super-durable:

Gli italiani like to hide their refrigerators behind cabinetry. In this country-style , the refrigerator and freezer are concealed behind the rightmost cabinets:

Gene wants a red refrigerator, but the most unusual colore they had was school-bus giallo:

Here is some "American" stuff:

Here is a video of Phantom being a good boy:


  1. hey, the pics didn't load...

  2. Interesting.
    Love the red fridge.

    Red is the color of passion and a good choice in a kitchen. Yellow(ugh!), on the other hand, would just remind me of diesel fuel in a school bus and warm bologna sandwiches.
