Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting sick of belle viste and cat photos?

Well, if you are, you're in luck!  Tomorrow I'm going to Oktoberfest, which is in Munich, which is in Bavaria, which is in Germany, which is NOT in Italy.  When I get back to Italy on Sunday, I will NOT be giving you pictures of belle viste or cats (I think).  Maybe I will give you pictures of wienerschnitzel or lederhosen!  Check back Sunday to find out!

Here is a picture of Obi the cat:


1 comment:

  1. have a great time in der faderland don'tdrink too much beer danse der polka,don't buy lederhosen, don't put more salt on der pretzels,
    singalong in Italian, don't eat too much veiner schnitzel but have fun!!! Love,Gram
