Monday, September 27, 2010

Le Facce d'Italia

Hi, it's me, Bridget!  Piove oggi (It's raining).  So today is a great day to show you some of le facce d'Italia (the faces of Italy).

Here is a mailbox.  See its shocked facciaNo pubblicita' is like saying "No junk mail".


Here is Gene and Tara's toaster.  It is watching me right now.

Here is a happy little pizza on a segno in Venice.  It says "PIZZA EGGS and BACON" underneath.

Here is a cute little tower in Marostica.  It seems apprehensive:

Here is a faccia that looks like a froggy.  His occhi (eyes) are for mail, and his bocca (mouth) is for bread:

Here is a tree stump with una grande bocca:

Here is an antipasto (appetizer) who does not want to be eaten:

Here is a very earnest and naive bureau:

And here is the English version of my most popular video, "Aah!  We're going into a face!"

I hope you enjoyed my presentazione on le facce d'Italia.  In other news, there was a double rainbow here ieri (yesterday).  Here is a picture of it:

P.S.  Happy birthday, Casey the cat!  U haz mush cuteness!


  1. Hey! While these faces are nice, there's one I haven't seen in awhile that I need to see! Where are you, my Bridget?????XXXXOOOO

  2. I'm sitting at the kitchen table at Tara and Gene's right now. Hi Mom!!

  3. Yayy it was Casey's birthday! He's 3 now. He got treats as a present.
