Saturday, September 18, 2010

I bought someone a present, maybe you'll find out who if you read this!

Tara and Gene have a suffering olive albero in their yard.  I took a foto of it last notte:

Today Tara and Annie Cate and I went to a centro commerciale (mall) outside Verona (that’s where Romeo and Juliet took place).  Here is AC ready to go:

I bought a gift for someone and I also bought these shoes:

We ate bruschette at the food court:

We went to another store, and there was this grate all around it that any normal person would be scared to walk on, but no one else seemed to care besides us.  We could see our reflections in the water far, far below us.  Here we are waving:

Here are some billboards:

Here is some other stuff we saw out the car window:

Listen closely to hear Signor Gallo (Mr. Rooster):


  1. I have always found billboards from other countries are fascinating :)

    Actually in Russia every billboard was humungous (sp?), very political, almost threatening or preachy and stood out fiercely amidst the vast, cold, bare landscape. It was quite a contrast to your average American billboard that promotes, say, cheeseburgers.

  2. Actually could you post pics of olives and the various types they have there?

  3. Gene says that olives aren't a big deal here. There's only one type, the green kind that I posted at some point, and they are farmed for oil. Local produce includes peas, figs, cherries, potatoes, pomegranates, pears, green olives, etc. They also grow corn, but only to feed the animals cornmeal.
