Thursday, September 9, 2010

"We have to go to Italy every day."

Tara and Gene have a rule that they have to go to Italy every day.  That means that they have to do something or go somewhere that's not American at least once a day.  Since Annie Cate hasn't started school yet this year, we are hanging around the house a lot:

Here's a fabulous fort:

But we are going to Italy.  This morning while I was at Maddie's house waiting for her to wake up so I could bring her over, I watched Tutti Amano Raymond  (and Happy Days). 

We also visited Villa Valmarana ai Nani yesterday, but didn't go inside.  "Nani" means dwarves.  There are statues of nani everywhere around the villa.

Sometimes there are people pretending to be nani:

Gene made Nutella crepes for breakfast this morning.  Om nom nom.  Here he is:

And here's Conor enjoying his crepe:

A neighbor brought over some tiny grapes a few days ago that Gene has tentatively identified as fragolini.  They have pits and they make Tara's and my lips itch, but they are so yummy.  They actually taste just like grape juice.  The picture doesn't do them justice:

Buona giornata!  Here's a great video I took a few hours ago:


  1. Hi Bridget! So Wonderful to read and see your
    Blog posts! Thank you ... I just 'went to Italy'
    tonight reading it! :)
