Sunday, September 19, 2010

Giant pumpkin! Tiny horse!

Last night we went to a Sagra di Zucca (Gourd Festival).  The food was all gourd:

Here are some foto of the sagra:

Today Tara and I ran thirteen miles or so.  It was hilly.  We had mozzarella from latte di bufalo (buffalo milk) con insalata for pranzo (lunch):

We then went to Gusti Berici, a sort of fair of local prodotti and cose (things):

Some of this stuff is carved out of olive wood:

I patted this asino:

Tara took me for a drive through the Colli Berici (Berico hills).  Here are some viste:

We just ate a pomegranate, om nom nom:

Here is Phantom, a.k.a. Signor Pelliccione (Mr. Big Fur): 

And here is a video of my talented little cousins Conor and Annie Cate:


  1. Sorry the video won't work. It's not my fault (or Gene's). It will get fixed!

  2. Phantom is furry! Those mozzarella balls look yummy! Now I want a pomegranate, though not a gourd. Hmmm. XXXOOO
