Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Italy: The First 24 Hours (and before that)

I have been in Italy almost 24 hours.  Here is my house in the States before I left:

Here is my cat Zack before I left:

Here is my cat Squeaky before I left:

Here is my cat Winnie (who would not pose for me before I left) disguised as a gingerbread man:

I took a plane from Boston to Zurich, and then another to Venezia.  I didn't take pictures in Zurich, but here are the important things:  there were fancy smoking lounges, there was a giant Toblerone, and there was a display of softball-sized Chupa Chups (you know, those "delicious" lollipops).  At the end of it all, I was very thirsty.  My uncle Gene picked me up.  Now I'm at his and my aunt Tara's house.

Stuff  I've done:

Eaten una coppetta di gelato arancio rosso e cocco (that's a good combinazione)
Had a good night's sleep
Went for una passeggiata, saw una lumaca (snail) and una lucertola (lizard)
Watched cartoons in Italian

Here is my number one fan, Phantom, with my computer:

 Phantom is a long-haired German shepherd.  He is very friendly, but likes chasing things, including his sister Zoe:

The house is nice and mostly normal.  Occasionally you see things like this:

My two cousins are Conor and Annie Cate.  Here is Conor with Phantom:

Here is Annie Cate dressed up in stuff that jingles from Spain:

Here is AC and her friend Maddie in front of some puzzling graffiti:

Here are some lovely viste from la nostra passeggiata:
Here is a video of AC and Maddie singing along to one of their favorite songs:

Aaaand here is Zoe disguised as Yoda, a.k.a. "Zoda":


  1. TARA was the one who called me a nutcase.

  2. Dear Ms. Nutcase, Very interesting and fun blog. I can't get over how much Anna Cate resembles Tara. Whose brown eyes does she have? Gene's or Patsy's? I think the effort to incorporate Italian in your blog brilliantly and accurately describes your experiences so fully. Can't wait to hear more or your adventures.

  3. Hi Bridge
    Thanks for sending me the link to your blog. I am glad you managed to incorporate pictures of Zack, Squeaky and Winnie. I hope you are having a nice time! Tell everyone I said hi!

  4. Hi Katie!
    OK I said hi to them!
    & I'm having a good time!
