Monday, September 20, 2010

A great day to wash a cat!

I went to the gym on Post today and did NOT bring my macchinetta fotografica because it’s shady to bring one of those to the gym.  So non ho foto of that, and I also don’t have pictures of the grocery store, the panetteria (bread store), or the venditore di frutta (fruit man).  Sorry!

But here’s Conor’s adorable new computer:

My grandparents, Patsy and Bob, will be arriving in a settimana (week) and staying for due settimane (that's quattordici giorni).  Gene wants to finish building this aiuola (flowerbed) by then:


Meanwhile, this is my progetto:

His name is Obi, as in Obeso, and he is a homeless gatto who abita in the neighborhood.  He is kind of old and a little dirty, but he purrs very loudly and likes nuzzles under his little chinny-chin-chin.  Tara and Gene want me to clean him.  Here are my tools (Zoe is just curiosa):

I would be cleaning him adesso (now), but I can’t find him.  Let’s take un’altra look at Signor Pantaloni Pelosi (Mr. Furrypants):


 And now for an Italian lezione di grammatica:

Guarda questi segni (Look at these signs):

 The first sign translates roughly to "Beware of dog" and the second to "Beware of dogs".  

Attenti (Ah-TEN-tee) means "Attention!".

a (ah) is a preposition that usually means "at" or "to" but here is more like "of".

Il cane (Eel KAH-nay) means "the dog".

I cani (Ee KAH-nee) means "the dogs".

When certain prepositions are combined with certain articles, they form contractions (which are NOT optional).  For example,

a + il = al (ahl)


a + i = ai (eye)

which is how we get Attenti al cane and Attenti ai cani.

These polli from around the angolo (corner) hope you have a buon giorno:



1 comment:

  1. Let me know how that cat washing goes for you Bridgie! You can try it out on Zack when you come home. I will provide the band aids. XXXOOOO
