Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Some belle viste, I bathed a cat, and look at what AC made alla scuola!

Gene and Phantom and I went for a hike oggi (today).  We took the macchina to get to the starting point, and quando we were done, I ran back.  Here is Phantom nella macchina:

Here are some belle viste:


Then I bathed the Obi il gatto.  Here he is covered in corn starch from yesterday:

I got a bin full of water, extra water, some towels, kitty treats, a brush and a comb, and then I lured him into the garage with food.

I picked him up and tried to plop him into l’acqua.  He was having none of it.  He gripped the edges of the basin with his claws and scrambled out every time I tried to submerge him.  He even managed to scratch me, despite the fact that I was wearing a thick sweatshirt and Gene’s leather Army gloves.  So Obi got a sponge bath instead.  When it was over he took refuge in the highest place he could reach.

I brought him some food.

Then I gave him a basket to crawl into and he stayed there a while.

Then he went outside to finish drying nel sole.  Somehow he is still dirty.

Here is the pipe Annie Cate made in scuola today:

"I made a pipe and Matteo made a knife!"


  1. how did you do the wide angle picture?

  2. I have a panorama setting on my camera. You take 3 pictures and it helps you line up the edges, then it stitches them together.

  3. Poor dirty kitty. Why are they making things like pipes and knives in school?

  4. AC said she made a pipe because Maddie likes to make pipes (?). I don't know about Matteo.
