Thursday, September 30, 2010

Patsy and Bob are here, the party can begin!

Today I ran and ran and ran up una grande collina (hill).  I didn't bring my camera, so non ho foto.  Oh well.  My shoes got covered in mud, but Gene hosed them down before I thought to take a picture. 

I saved this praying mantis from this gatto:

Later I moved all my stuff to Conor's camera.  Here are my new digs:

Perché did I move rooms, you ask?  Because my nonni (grandparents) Patsy and Bob sono arrivati from Boston.  Gene picked them up at the aeroporto a little while ago.

Here's Patsy:

Here's Bob:

Here's Obi:

They are all sleeping now. 

Here is a video of my sister Katie's cat Casey fetching:

Sorry, it won't work right now.


  1. Tell Patsy and Bob I said hi! Aw too bad the video didnt work :(

  2. OK, I'll try to get it work later. Or Gene can do it.

  3. Glad to hear they arrived safely! Glad to hear you had a great run!

