Friday, October 1, 2010

Patsy and Bob are still here

Last notte Gene made pesto.  Annie Cate put on her sparkly new Hello Kitty outfit and sang "some" of her favorite songs.  Here she is jumping down:

Some more foto:

Obi got to stay in the garage last notte.  He is a good kitty.

Daniele from next door visited this mattina (morning).  He was very curioso about everything.

Today Gene took Patsy and Bob and me (not "I") to a big crowded store called Sorelle Ramonda.  Look at this giant boot:

Here are some sheets and things:

We saw this fake alligator/crocodile on top of a van after we left:

Then we went into Vicenza.  Here are some pictures of Vicenza:

Here is a skinny little Palladio building:

Here's Bob in front of a statue:

Here's Patsy at "Katie's Bar":

Here's a bella vista from the drive back

Here is a video of Daniele:

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