Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back from Barthelona! Lotth of picturth!

Tara and Patsy and Bob and I went to Barcelona.  We left venerdi' (Friday) and returned oggi (today).  In Barcelona, they thpeak Catalonian and Spanish.  Catalonian has a lithpy--I mean lispy--thing about it. 

Here are some picturth of our fabulouth appartamento on Patheig de Grathiath (Passeig de Gracias):

We thaw thith intriguing thign the firtht day on our way to eat tapath (tapas):

Unfortunately, we did not get to the important Dali mutheum (too far away).  Tara and I did get to a different Dali mutheum on Thaturday, though.  It had thith great muthtache door in the lobby:

It wath a little mutheum, but it was packed with thtuff--thketcheth, paintingth, thculpturth, phototh, you name it.  Here ith a thomewhat thriking thpecimen:

We went to the Picatho (Picasso) mutheum on the thame day.  That wath cool too, but it wath merely bemuthing to Patthy and Bob, and altho wath probably not the motht conthithtent thurvey of Picatho's work.  The building'th thtructure kind of reminded me of the Ithabella Thtewart Gardner Mutheum (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum) in Bothton (Boston).  Here ith the atrium of the Picatho Mutheum:

We went through a nearby market.  Thome eggth:

Afterwardth, Tara and I went to Park Guell, which ith a thort of hilltop Candyland of Gaudi art.  Gaudi ith the big Barthelona icon by the way.  Thome theenth:

Tara and I were tho eckthauthted that we that down on Gaudi'th giant mothaic bench and didn't move for forty minuteth.  Thome viewth from the area:

We found thith grothery thtore:

We took the metro to Bartheloneta (Barceloneta), the neighborhood on the thea where the food ith very fishy.  Thorry, thith wath the betht picture I could get in the dark:

On Thunday, we went to the Thagrada Familia (Sagrada Familia), the church that Gaudi thtarted building that people are thtill working on.  We saw thith man and dog while we were waiting in line in the rain:

Thagrada Familia wath HUGE and DETAILED.  Thome picturth:

There wath an eckthibit that showed how Gaudi wath inthpired by nature and mathematicth.  There was a bigger muthem loaded with architectural modelth of partth of the church.  Here are Patthy and Bob with one:

We vitheted another Gaudi building, Catha Batllo (Casa Batllo), jutht down the thtreet from our gorgeouth apartment.  It ith the lumpy looking mermaid houthe:

It wath really neat!

We hada tapath at a nithe rethtaurant.  Here are Patthy and Bob enjoying thome Thpanish wine:

Here ith a bit of a Gaudi building that we could unfortunately not actheth:

We went to the Boqueria on Monday.  That'th the important food market.  Thome thightth:

The kiwi juithe wath eckthellent:

We walked to Bartheloneta.  Here ith the thtatue of Chrithtopher Columbuth that thtandth at the ocean end of La Rambla, the big shopping thtreet:

More Bartheloneta pictureth:

At thome point we met thith couthin of Phantom:

More picturth of Barthelona:

Now, in Italy,  Annie Cate enjoyth her Thpanish Halloween thtuff:

Mr. Praying Mantith enjoyth hith wall:

And Mrth. Butterfly enjoyth her flower:

Buenoth diath tutti, from me, Bridget!


  1. Beautiful photos Bridgie! Sounds like you had a fabulouth time! XXXOOOOOOOOLove, Mom

  2. Barcelona looks like fun, but i stopped taking the blog entry theriously by about the fifth "th". Made me chuckle--a lot! :)
