Thursday, October 7, 2010

Long run day!

Today ho corso e ho corso e ho corso (I ran and I ran and I ran).  I ran up a big collina (hill) and down another, then I turned around and went up that collina again.   I meant to go back the way I came, but I somehow took a wrong turn and didn't realize it until I came to Easter Island, which I first saw last Sunday.  Then I turned around and found where I was supposed to be, and I ran down the first collina again.  Then sono tornata alla casa from a different way (more mud and I stopped to see some cute little gattini, awww). 

It ended up being approximately 17.14 migli.  Here is a lovely mappa courtesy of

To view the elevazione, please visit, scroll down and click "Show Elevation".  The diagramma delle altitudini will appear at the bottom of the page.  It is very bella and colorato.

We are housebound today because Tara and Patsy and Bob and I are going to Barcelona domani (tomorrow) and we'll be walking a lot and some of us (not me) are vecchi (old).  Gene has finally gotten around to putting the finishing touches (planty things) on his aiuola (flowerbed).  And what an aiuola it is.

Here Gene is building it:

Here it is ready for planting:

Here it is adesso (now):

It just gets prettier and prettier!  Bravo, Gene!

Here is an old poster for a concert of a piece by French composer Olivier Messiaen. 

I found this poster at the place Gene and I had lunch una settimana o due ago amongst other old posters.  I studied Messiaen for a little bit in my Twentieth Century Music class, and he is relatively unknown outside the realm of those who care about musica moderna, so I was surprised to see a poster for him inside a place where blu collar workers eat lunch in Italia.  Three cose to know about Messiaen:

  1. He had synesthesia, a condition in which the senses are connected, which caused him to perceive colors when he heard certain chords.
  2. He was an ornithologist and transcribed birdsong, including it in many of his pieces.
  3. He was deeply Roman Catholic and many of his pieces reflected this.

And here is a picture from a trip to Venice.  Find the precious kitty!


  1. Hello Bridgie!
    So glad to hear that you ran and you ran and you ran! I remember you telling me about that composer, perhaps when we visited the Gardner museum for that weird I mean wonderful concert? I found the kitty cat in the Venice pic!

    Love your face love your face love your face!

  2. is very cool...and that composer, doing birdsongs? ..synthesia? what an interesting affliction!
