Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  Conor and Annie Cate got to go trick-or-treating on Post on Friday because they're Americans in Italy and that's how they roll.   Annie Cate was a strega:

Conor played it low-key and wore a maschera:

There were lots of kids trick-or-treating and it was too dark to get many good pictures.  But here's Conor with some amici:

And here's AC with some amice:

More foto from trick-or-treating:

Here are Conor and AC sorting out their candy.  As you can see, trick-or-treating in Italy is not nearly as productive as trick-or-treating in the States:

The only really scary thing that happened was that Gene found an infestazione of ladybugs in Conor's finestra (window).  Here is some of it:

Gene later cleaned it out with AC's tiny strega broom.

And here are Conor's thoughts on trick-or-treating:

Ed. note:  There will be a post about Pisa later!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm. Scary video! And yet she made such a sweet little witch! Conor looks AMAZING! Dressed up as a boy in a mask!!!???? Yikes!!! And those scary looking kids in grown-up costumes???? The one in the red jacket and the other with the glasses?????? I'm going to have nightmares tonight!

