Saturday, October 16, 2010

Long run day, plus more Obi il gatto!

Oggi I went for a long run.  Here is my route:

For una diagramma delle altitudini, please visit and check "Show Elevation".

Ho corso (I ran) up the Strada Bianca (Gene and I hiked up there the day we saw the baby goats).  Ho corso ed ho corso ed ho corso.  Then I saw something that I thought was a squirrel...but it was smaller than a squirrel.  It was actually a weeny little gattino (kitten) soriano grigio (gray tabby) con zampe bianche (with white paws) and a pointy little tail.  It ha corso (ran) across a road and hid in a bush.  Ho detto "Hi kitty!" and the gattino let out a tiny little hiss and ran away on its weeny little fuzzy zampe.

I also saw due cavalli (two horses), so I got to say "Ciao cavallino!" due volte (times).

I ran down a big collina (hill) and up a skinny stairway.  Then I ran up and down another big collina.

Afterwards I went to see Obi il gatto.  He purred and licked the driveway (?).

Obi was not satisfied with the dry cat food with warm acqua that I had given him.  He smelled something yummy in a trashbag and he tried to climb in.

I got him some peanut butter invece (instead).  That is my cat Squeaky's  favorite food.  Obi gobbled it up.

Here is a video of my cugini instancabili (indefatigable cousins) Conor and Annie Cate:

1 comment:

  1. Only you would use the word indefatigable in Italian. As an American. In a blog. Nice work Bridgie. All that tuition was worth it! :)

    So glad you are having such a wonderful time!
    Love your face,
    Love, Mom
