Thursday, October 14, 2010

Market day in Vicenza, and some cute animali!

Today after my run, Tara and Patsy and Bob and I went to Vicenza.  Today is giovedi' (Thursday), so there was un mercato (market).  Some foto del mercato:

We also saw this tiny cane:

Tara continued her quest for the stivali perfetti.  Here she is with one of a coppia (pair):

We had tramezzini (tiny crustless sandwiches) qui:

We also went to Monte Berico but we didn't go inside.  Some foto:

More foto di Vicenza:

Tara and I went to get Annie Cate from scuola.  We saw this lazy kitty:

We also saw these ragazzi doing something in the washbasin...forse (maybe) hunting for lucertole (lizards):

Speaking of lucertole, we saw this one at Monte Berico.  Look closely to see it.  E' veloce!


  1. More beautiful photos! Yay Bridget! You have quite an eye for color and whimsy kiddo. I love the pic of the little doggy. Awwww. Love your face, XXXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Love, Mom

  2. I kept looking and looking for a "cane" in that picture until I saw that that tiny word was italicized. Then I saw the dog. How cute. I hope she wasn't planning to eat him.

    Also, what's with the squashes? Do they serve them more than we do in Italy?

  3. It's zucca (gourd) season, so that's what they're selling at the market. They have lots of other things too.
