Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fun with zucche!

Yesterday Katie and I made guacamole because there were some avocadi that were about to go bad.  I cut the cipolle (onions) and she did the fun stuff.  Here she is:

Tara took us to a ristorante up in the colli (hills) called La Lumaca (the snail).  Here is the segno:

There were a few snaily cose (things) inside:

There was also this faccia:

We each got tortelloni di zucca (pumpkin).  (Tortelloni are large tortelli, and a tortellini are small tortelli.):

They were filled with magical yumminess:

Here are my contorni (cooked vegetables):

Clockwise from sinistra (left): fagiolini (green beans), finocchi (fennel), melanzane (eggplant).

Today Katie left, and I went for a run similar to the one I ran a few settimane fa.

Later, Gene got the bags of Halloween stuff ready for Annie Cate's class:


The contents:

Gene and Annie Cate got a zucca ready for Annie Cate's teacher.  Here is the result:

Here is Annie Cate:

Here is Tara pretending to be Signor Testa di Patate:

Here's a great barzelletta about zucche:

Q:  What's the ratio of a pumpkin's circumferene to its diametro?

A:  Pumpkin pi!


  1. Aw I love a lame joke. I hope you all miss me...

  2. Awww. Cute joke! Beautiful photos. Yummy food. Especially the candy. XXXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX

  3. I do not think that the integrity of Mr. Potato Head should be messed with! Mr. Potato Head has stood --for generations--as a symbol to America's children of nutrition and the great things you can do with plastic. jk Tara as a potato head was very funny...I am sure Katie didn't cry doing the onions because she is a srestaurant professional. I thought the stuff in the tortellini was questionable even though you called it yummy. Wow, that's a lot of stuff they are giving out for Halloween!
