Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Katie and Bridget in Nove and Marostica and Vicenza! Plus chestnuts and chocolate!

Today Gene took Katie and me to Nove to get some shopping done for Natale (Christmas).  This is from the negozio (store) we visited:

Gene found Katie a pomegranate:

 We ate pranzo in Marostica at the same place we ate with Annie Cate and Maddie:

More foto di Marostica:

We saw these two lucertole:

After that we picked up a zucca:

The definite article "lo" is masculine and is used for masculine verbs that start with z or s[consonant].  The other masculine nouns take "il" as their definite article.

We drove by this big wheel of formaggio on the way:

Gene dropped me and Katie off in Vicenza because why not.  We stopped at Teatro Olimpico:

"Got yer nose!"

More foto di Vicenza:

We saw this crazy torta:

We saw this strano display in the finestra (window) of a negozio (store):

We had some cioccolato caldo:

Hot chocolate in Europe has the consistency of pudding, om nom nom!

It was so thick that the cucchiaino stood up on its own:

We also bought some maroni (chestnuts, also called castagni):

Maroni taste kind of like sweet potatoes/eggs/bacon.

Later Gene picked us up.  Here are some of the Halloween decorations that he and AC had put up:

I have a video of a tiny cane, but it won't upload right now.  Mi dispiace and ciao from me, Bridget!


  1. Awww. My girls are so beautiful! I am so glad the two of you are having such a wonderful time! Much love love love love love,

  2. You two are just the cutest things. I'm glad you're having such wonderful adventures!
