Saturday, October 2, 2010

More pictures of Venice! And a snail!

Ciao, it's me, Bridget!  Last notte we ate at a fishy restaurant.  They fileted the fishy in front of us.  Here is a foto:

We saw this lumaca on the casa later:

Today Tara and I went on a run.  We ran up a grande collina (hill).  Era difficile!

Then Tara and Patsy and Bob and I siamo andati to Venice.  I took pictures, please go here to see pictures of my earlier trip to Venezia (Venice):

See the sombrero pasta?

More stuff:

We rode the People Mover back to the parcheggio:

We had pizza later:

Here is a video of someone selling squishy cose (things) that look like pomodori (tomatoes):

And guarda this doggy kitty coda (tail) that we saw wagging and wagging:


  1. Hi Bridgie! Those pomodoro thingys look similar to what we bought a few years back. Same thing? Love the doggy video. Pictures look great. Love your varying perspectives! Miss you! XXX0000

  2. No, we bought balloons filled with corn starch with googly eyes and yarn attached. They were selling those too. This was gooier. Actually Tara says it's a kittycat tail.
