Monday, October 4, 2010

The Swimming Snake of Bassano

I went for a run up a crazy collina today.  After that, Gene took me and Bob and Patsy to due  little towns: Nove e Bassano. 

Nove is famoso for its ceramics.  Naturalmente I did some Christmas shopping (not for you if that's what you're thinking).  I have just one tantalizing foto. 

Then we went to Bassano, the town with the covered ponte (bridge).  Gene bought bread at the Bottega del Pane (Bread Boutique):

 Some more foto of Bassano:

(It means "grappa, honey, mushrooms".)

Patsy and Bob and Gene got capuccini in Nove at this place:

This was the view:

Here is another great video from me, Bridget.  Despite my runs and hikes, it is the only serpente I have seen so far in Italia.  Gene spotted it today in Bassano.  It was trying to swim across the river.  Look closely at the lower angolo destra (right corner) to see it.  It was doing a good job!  Buon lavoro, Signor Serpente!

Unfortunately, the video will not upload.  Mi dispiace molto (I'm very sorry).

1 comment:

  1. Ah! These photos bring back great memories of visiting here with you years ago! Beautiful photos Bridgie! XXXXOOOO
