Sunday, October 31, 2010

Quattro markets in un day!

 Today it rained, and Tara and I went to quattro mercati (four markets).  We didn't buy anything.  The primo mercato was in Camisano, where Tara and Gene got their gentile cat Niccolo molti anni fa (sadly, Niccolo died two years ago).  Here are some pictures from Camisano:



The secondo mercato was in Piazzola sul Brenta.  The Brenta is the fiume (river) locale.  Here it is:

 The market there is an antique market.

The terzo mercato was an international market in Vicenza.

We saw these torte in Vicenza.  They say "Dolcetta o scherzetto", which means "Trick or treat":

The quarto mercato was an Italian market on Post, including only high-quality goods (because Americans are never ever tacky):

Here is a video of one of the antiques at Piazzola:

1 comment:

  1. Love the video! And oooooooooh rotary dial phones. That's SO antique-y!

    Love love love love love,
