Monday, October 25, 2010

The rain in Venice falls mainly on the tourists

Today Katie and I went to Venice and it rained.  We took the train in from Vicenza nella mattina (in the morning).  Here is Katie waiting for il treno:

Here she is reading il giornale on the train:

We walked all over Venezia.  Here are a few  foto:

We ate spaghetti carbonara:

We got a little bit lost, but we had una mappa:

We saw questo gatto stanco (tired):

Since Venice is close to underwater on a giorno normale, there was a little bit of flooding today:


There were temporary boardwalks in some places, like in the Piazza di San Marco:

Some resourceful but misguided people (NOT us) decided to just forget about shoes:

We took il treno to Grisignano and Tara picked us up at the ferrovia.  Before we left Venice, I got a cioccolato caldo (hot chocolate) at the Self Bar.

We went over Mario and Dina's to eat maroni tonight.  Here is Mario roasting them:

Here is Annie Cate with some of Mario and Dina's uccellini (little birds):

Here she is with the nice warm kitchen forno:

Here are the maroni all ready to eat:

So we sat at the tavolo and ate them, om nom nom.


  1. well, that looked like a very fun day :)

  2. And yet despite the rain you took pictures and had a great time! Glad to see you didn't go barefoot in St. Mark's. Ick. Ick. Ick.

    Love to you and your beautiful sister!
