Wednesday, October 13, 2010

More Venice pictures from me, Bridget!

Siamo tornati in Italy again!  Last notte we had polenta:

Today Tara and Patsy and bob and I went to Venezia (Venice) again (more Venice foto here).  Tara was looking for stivali (boots):

She decided to reject the over-knee style.

Patsy bought this cappotto:

We went to a lot of negozi di vetro (glass stores).  Some foto:

We saw this giant rosary:

This kitty wanted us to pat him, but we couldn't reach:

More foto di Venezia:

And here is some lovely ironia that I found nel parcheggio (in the parking lot):

Ciao tutti from me, Bridget!

1 comment:

  1. Awww. What nice photos! I love the frames! :)

    Great irony too Bridgie! The kitty cat looks like Nicolo!!! Awwww.

    Love your face!!! XXXOOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOLove, Mom
