Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Adventures with Patsy and Bob

Here is a scena from yesterday pomeriggio (afternoon):

Obi slept in the garage last notte.  Here is Signor Pantaloni Pelosi:

Today after my run, Gene and Patsy and Bob and I left the casa.  I was wearing Conor's scarpe because mine were all wet/muddy.  Grazie, Conor!  My piedi:

We went many places oggi (today).  First we made a stop at a panetteria that had this topiary of a lumaca out front:

Dentro (inside) there were a lot of differet panettone (Christmas type of cake) wrapped up in different ways:

Here's Patsy with a big one:

Then we stopped by the mercato in Costabissara:

We discovered these miagawas:

Then we went to Soave, where there is un castello.  There was a mercato there too.

We went into a winery.

The other three had a mini tasting in a special room.  It seemed kind of silly to me, but there was no one at whom I could roll my eyes.  It's tough being the only persona normale.

More foto from Soave:

Then we went to Sirmione, which is on Lake Garda (the most grande lake in Italia) and which also has un castello.  Here are some foto:

And here are some weeny little fishies nel lago (in the lake):

Ciao from me, Bridget!

1 comment:

  1. Bridgie! I am rolling my eyes in support of you and your normalcy! I love your photos! Love love love, xxxooooooooo Mom
