Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Vicenza Swim Meet: "It's Worth The Trip"

Last notte, Gene made me, Bridget, a banana split.  It was my first banana split ever.  Here it is:

It was pretty good.  Conor had one too:

Questa mattina (this morning) Annie Cate decided to fingerpaint, and Phantom helped:

While Tara was out running, Annie Cate put lots of things in her hair like Fancy Nancy does:

Later we went to see Conor at his swim meet in Vicenza.  Gene was one of the timers.  Here he is hard at work (in giallo (yellow)):

Ecco Conor before one of his events:

Here are more foto di Conor:

Bravo, Conor!

We went to the Commissary and picked up some goodies.  The Commissary has a great motto:

Tara was craving cookies so I baked some.  They may have had too much stuff in them:

Here is a video of a spettacolo that Conor put on for me before we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last notte:


  1. Wow! Conor did put on quite a spectacle. He is very talented, with his swimming and his dancing and his eating of food things. Love your photos Bridgie! XXXOOOOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXO
    Love, Mom

  2. I am jealous. All that running you do allows you the freedom to have monstrous banana splits and M and M cookies
